The Lakes take their names from the former owner of the land, the Duke of Newcastle, and the History surrounding them and they run alongside the River Maun.

The first lake created at Springvale Fishing Lakes, built over a natural spring.
Open now, the Lake holds 27 pegs and offers day fishing and club matches.
Well stocked with Common and Mirror Carp
and a variety of Silver Fish.

This lake has 20 pegs, and is set in a picturesque setting overlooked by an avenue of oak trees.
Open now for day fishing and club matches.
Well stocked with Common and Mirror Carp
and a variety of Silver Fish.

This looks up to Golden Hill where you can see the Milton Mausoleum..

Open now, the Duke Lake takes its name from the former land owner The 4th Duke of Newcastle, Henry Pelham-Clinton. A pleasure or match lake with 40 pegs stocked with carp and a variety of silver fish.

Takes its name from the Duchess of Newcastle, Georgiana Elizabeth Mundy. Holds 30 pegs. Stocked with Mirror and Common Carp up to 20lb and a variety of Silver Fish.

Takes its name from the Duke and Duchess of Newcastle.
Stocked with Mirror & Common Carp and variety of Silver Fish.
Holds 50 pegs for pleasure or match fishing.
We are open from 7am-Dusk
7 days a week
all year round

Pleasure fishing is £7.50 per peg.
Match fishing is £9.00 per peg .
No night fishing available.
We provide all keep nets and landing nets for every Angler.

Could we politely ask you to follow the Rules & procedures below to protect the well being of the fish and the Lakes and enable us to create a safe venue.
No boilies
No floating bait
No blood worm or Joker’s
No variety of Meat/Hemp/Nuts
No artifical baits to be used
No seafood (i.e.prawns & mussells) and no dairy products
Maximum of 2kg of groundbait per session
Maximum of 4 tins of sweetcorn per session
Springvale Fishing Lakes feed pellets only to be used
Ground bait to be applied with a cup or feeder
Only in-line feeders to be used and free running
Barbless hooks only (maximum size 12)
Maximum pole length - 14.5 Metres
Landing nets to be used on all Fish, please use landing net to put fish into keep net
Only one rod per person, never leave unattended
No Braid (even as wind beater on the pole)
No floating pole
No Jigga floats
Floats must be used at all times (minimum of 2 inchs ) when fishing with a pole, please use float as indicator not elastic (no tight lining)
Minimum of 12 inches of line between pole tip & float
Minimum 4 inch hook length ( on all rigs)
please note that bait & hook checks will be carried out daily
Anyone found to using a barbed hook will be banned for life and asked to leave immediately.
Please could all anglers have their current Environment Agency fishing rod Licence available
Please take all litter and unused bait home
No wading or swimming
All Fish must be returned to the Lake
Do not weigh fish when pleasure fishing
Please do not drive on the grass
Please do not bring any dogs onto the site
Please use toilet facilities provided
Springvale Fishing Lakes will provide nets for each person fishing (please keep silver fish in a separate net from the carp)
Please could we ask that no more than 50lb of Fish is kept in each keep net at any one time on match days
If during match hours you have to leave, please do not tip your fish back into the lake, please leave secuerly and inform a member of staff that you are leaving
Could all match's carry out their own weigh ins with a provided Springvale weigh bucket.
Radio's to be used with consideration to other anglers, please keep on a low volume
Alcohol to be consumed in a sensible and responsible manner
Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult
* Springvale Fishing Lakes takes no responsibility for any person’s or their tackle when using these premises and vehicles are left in the car parking areas at your own risk. And the management reserve the right to ask anyone to leave if they are intentionally violating the rules and procedures.